Today I went into the city for my second mapping. What a day!!! They wouldn't take me because of insurance issues meanwhile everything is fine. JUST A NIGHTMARE. Finally at 11:20 they took me after I said JUST BILL ME!
My audiologist put my processor (N5) onto the computer to check to see if it is working
( standard procedure). Then series of beeps came on and I had to raise my hand and determine how many beeps that I heard 1-5. I did pretty good. After the series of beeps she made it louder and adjusted the map so I can hear at a comfortable level. I hear so much better since the mapp since changed. The processor is louder and I can communicate well. I heard her voice fine. No more mickey mouse.
I did explain to my audiologist that I can understand Adele's song on my ipod but not Lifehouse my favorite band that I been listening to for year.She told me because with Adele you just hear her voice ,but with Lifehouse you hear other people singing and the drums etc. So that will take time of course. She also suggested me to practice. I cant use the Sound & way Beyond because its not compatible with my mac so she suggested to try books on tapes instead. I will use my Nook for that. Finally the program I am on is comfortable if I need to lower it I will. I have four programs each week I have to try each program.
I am still having trouble communicating with family and friends so it will take time. Nothing is perfect. I am happy with my mapp. I have to go back in a month.
My audiologist also ask if I want to hear more background noise when I listen to music or less background noise? I prefer less background noise so she said she adjusted that in the map as well which is pretty neat. I didn't know that was an option.
Imagine yourself in a country where nobody speaks your language. It becomes a necessity to rely on your other senses and hone your powers of observation. You welcome the times when you can "fill in the blanks" and get the gist of a conversation. Each situation is stressful: Will you be a participant or an observer?
This is the life of a hearing-impaired person.
We are not deaf, and, therefore, most of us do not read lips, sign or wear hearing devices 100% of the time. We try to preserve whatever hearing we have left. We walk softly on the fine line between the hearing and deaf communities.
Even our friends are selected carefully. We cultivate friendships based on who is sensitive to our needs. They are the people who are willing to speak a little louder and more distinctly. They are the people who are willing to repeat themselves if they see from your expression that you didn't hear all that was said. They don't wait for you to apologize or "phase out" of a difficult-to-hear conversation. They make sure that you never feel ashamed because of your disability.
Each day is a series of plans — how to seat yourself and others so that you have the best hearing advantage, where to go for business meetings and social events to avoid loud, busy places, etc. However, sometimes it is difficult to control the situation.
Envision going to the theater or movies only to find the audience laughing with delight when you have no idea why. Maybe you smile or chuckle to camouflage your discomfort, hoping that this will not recur throughout the movie. These facilities usually offer headsets, which enable you to amplify the volume. Unfortunately, many are not well maintained and cause a static-like sound. It is always a pleasure — and a surprise — when we can enjoy a movie without struggling.
We sometimes avoid talking on the phone, knowing that we may need you to repeat yourself several times. You can understand why some of us choose to communicate by email or text!
We arrive at speaker functions and seminars at least 30 minutes early, so that we can get a much needed front-row seat.
Even in the health club, we wear our hearing aids to help follow the class routines. We certainly don't want to be caught doing push-ups when the rest of the group is doing sit-ups.
In spite of our disability, many of us continue to be social and take part in group activities. There is always the fear of asking a question that has already been asked and answered. We understand that you may find it funny, but please know that it is mortifying to us.
On occasion, we may try to monopolize the conversation in order to control what is being said. Even with all the accommodations we give ourselves, all too often we mix up or miss words. We go home feeling embarrassed and wonder why we subject ourselves to group functions.
By Terri Goldstein, Special to the Los Angeles Times
Have a great day!!