Last week on Wednesday Jan 18Th., when I came home after surgery that night, I started feeling some pain. After that I had no pain what so ever. THANK GOD. Two days ago I started to get overwhelmed and upset because I was hoping I wasn't getting sick. There is way to much going on at once and this is something I dont need on my plate right now, after everything I been through.
Next week I have an appointment to see my surgeon so he can check the incision. I am suppose to see him this week 7-10 days after surgery, but I cant get there because I just started class again. Right now the incision looks a little crusty and bloody. This better be normal. The first time around the incision was not like this at all. I'm a bit worried but I'm sure it is nothing.
I started class on Monday I literally pushed myself to go to school.My entire family kept telling me I was crazy for going. I slicked my hair back and was a wreck my hair looked like bozo the clown. I was dizzy on top of it all. I wanted to get there and get right home and sleep. I didn't want to miss the first day. Monday was a lot for me especially right after surgery. I only have one class this semester so it was only an hour and I came right home and slept.
Yesterday I started to feel so much better. Yes I know things take time and my recovery takes so much longer because of my illness on top of it all. I have no more runny nose & sneezing just magically stopped. My nose is so red, I look like Rudolph. So I am just dealing with the dizziness. Phew. Its over!
Honestly this is just my opinion.... I dont think I can go through this ever again. Most of it is part of my illness. This was a lot for me. I am exhausted and I have slept so many hours in the last week. But, this will all be worth it so I can hear my niece again. I cant wait for activation because my niece keeps talking to me. I have no clue whats she saying and it breaks my heart. I just want to hear how her day was at daycare and I cant yet no matter how close she gets. I hear nothing.
Thank you once again for all the support....
© 2012 My personal Hearing Loss blog
1 comment:
So sorry you have been so sick. Keeping you in y thoughts and prayers.
: )
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