Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey thanks for stopping by to read. I got great news but first, Remember my old post about MARLEE MATLIN? If you havent read it yet, check it out. Those of you that know me, I'm a big fan of Marlee Matlin.

In Deaf Culture a few years ago I had to write a Biography about Marlee Matlin and that is the First Time I found out who she was! I couldn't believe my paper "You are Assigned to write a Biography: Deaf Actress Marlee Matlin". All my life I thought I was the only person that " COULDN'T HEAR". I felt like this until I started learning ASL at the age of 19. The reason why I started learning ASL is because of Marlee's book. Her book titled " DEAF CHILD CROSSING" as stated in my old blog. This book changed my life forever. It took me a good 4 hours to read and I remember this day like it was yesterday, I could'nt put it down. I had to FINISH it that day, I remember I wouldn't get to sleep that night unless it was finished. Her first book touched my heart, I was crying for the first time while reading a book. I felt like I was MEGAN. Megan happens to be the girl that is deaf in the book. Marlee taught me to accept my hearing loss. She taught me that " There are people just like YOU". I never knew that. I grew up in a hearing world and being the only Hard of Hearing child was a tough thing for me & still is till this day. Especially being in a hearing school,It was a nightmare. Marlee is why I wanted to learn American Sign Language ( ASL). So I changed my degree to " AA in ASL" and I met so many wonderful people who were like me... it was like a dream.. It was "MY WORLD", I always wanted. The language is beautiful. Now I never took a language in school before. I mastered it completely. I was so thankful for that. I fell in love with it then I became the president of the ASL CLUB for three years. It is by far the best opportunity I have ever had. I love the " deaf world". I love the culture. I am not shy anymore by wearing my hearing aids while my hair is up.


" I'LL Scream Later" book release and signing- Marlee Matlin

First My heart was racing like If I ran for hours. I scroll down and it said NYC!!! I started to get teary eyes because just last month I found out about Starkey Hearing Foundation and I wanted to meet her because I know she's was going. It cost alot of money though at least $2,000 just to go the 2 hour dinner.I knew I cannot afford that. As much as I would love to meet her. So I was very disappointed but I been saying to myself... " I wish I could meet her" Well that day is FINALLY HERE!!!

IT SURE IS A DREAM CAME TRUE. I am meeting Marlee Matlin for the FIRST TIME** at BORDERS BOOKS IN NYC.. on April 13,2009!!! Marlee's new book (that I pre-ordered 2 months ago, but now canceled it) is coming out April 14,2009!! Marlee is going to be singing her first copies in NYC!! I am going to be there BRIGHT & EARLY. She will be speaking about her book and signing!! I couldn't believe what I was reading..This day cannot come any faster!!! I am so excited WILL is taken the day off for me.

You can deafinitely PRE-ORDER HER BOOK HERE .

I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That I will be back APRIL 13,2009 at night with LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!!! Thankgoodnes I got my new Camera. Wohoo!!

Of course I cannot forget to thank WILL who is making my dream come true. Baby I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for doing this for me! It will deafinitely be an amazing memory for me. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS...

I will be back tomorrow because I wanted to write about CLOSED CAPTION ( YUP-- that issue again)

Have a great week ahead!!

*Smile* - Danielle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun meeting Marlee-- she's a great gal!