Monday, August 9, 2010

Know your RIGHTS as a Deaf/ Hard of Hearing Person

I hope you all are enjoying your summer and staying cool! It is so hot here in NY. Time sure does fly by quickly I cannot believe summer is almost over. My best friend who is profoundly deaf ask me for help. She wants to volunteer somewhere and they wont provide an interpreter for her. I was furious when she told me this. I contacted the American's Disability Act to ask what OUR RIGHTS ARE.
Truthfully, I dont even know my rights as a deaf person. So in a way im glad that I called because I wouldn't of known all this information. I want you all to know that its very important to know your rights. You have a right to! For example: You need to know what your rights are when you go into a HOSPITAL, Looking for a Job etc. I was able to contact a few interpreters that I am friends with to try and get her a student volunteer interpreter so I am waiting to hear from that person. She needs an interpreter she does not wear aids or a CI because she cannot benefit from them. She relies on interpreter's and lip reading. She plans on going for this interview Sept 2nd. Im just shocked that they didnt want to provide an interpreter they told her in an email " call the state to see if they will provide one for you". I couldn't believe they would take the time to write something like that back to her!

I decided to write a blog about this because its important! Here a few great websites that can help you know what your rights are. Remember if you end up not getting hired because you are deaf/hard of hearing you can complain!!! I hope these websites help you and if you are still having trouble figuring what your rights are you can call ADA and they will be happy to send you information via mail.

EEOC WEBSITE Questions and Answers about Deaf/Hard of Hearing in the Workplace


Manage Volunteers

Before I give you the link once you are on the website, scroll all the way down... Instead of having ADA send this via mail you can actually print the PDF format at home. Its very easy to do just click on the link you want and hit print! This is a very helpful website.

ADA Business Brief Documents


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