Tuesday, August 10, 2010


To all Parents who have Deaf/Hard of Hearing Kiddo's. All the Kids are going back to go school. I came across some great helpful documents that can be printed out. I hope you find this helpful.

IEP CHECK LIST - We cannot remember everything. Here is a wonderful checklist from hands and voices. You can print this out and just take it with you to the IEP meeting. There are so many great accommodations on this sheet that I couldnt remember!

Communication Plan for child who is Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Preschool/Kindergarten Placement Checklist

Preschool Evaluation Chart for your children's Needs

Deaf Child Bill of Rights

All these documents are from Hands&Voices which is a non profit organization that supports children who have a hearing loss.



petardimov said...

Hello Danielle,

I came across your blog and your posts are very nicely written and useful for hard of hearing people.
I wanted to show you our buyahearingaid.com - we are trying to provide quality information for the hard of hearing and build the largest hearing aid catalog.

It will be great if you would include it in your blogroll
We are working on a resource page and we will include yours as well.

Danielle said...

Thank You Peter I will definitely include your website.