Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fire Safety for people with Hearing Loss at a HLAA meeting

Yesterday on Feburary 15, 2011 I went into the city with my friend to learn about " Fire Safety for people with hearing loss." It is actually my first Fire Safety class and I have learned alot last night. It was a very informative meeting and I really enjoyed it. Everyone was so happy I was there & was so happy I have the implant. Many people wanted to see my Scar so I showed them. So this meeting we learned alot about SAFETY and what to do before a FIRE and much more how to prevent a fire from happening etc. We also recieved a free Lifetone Fire Alarm from the Fire Dept as well as a Smoke Alarm! This meeting was packed filled with people with hearing loss that either wear hearing aids or cochlear implants. Today I am going to be putting up my smoke alarm and activating the new Fire Alarm lifetone alarm. The strobe can go either under your pillow or under the bed and it will shake the bed to alert you there is a FIRE. This alarm clock is pretty expensive retail is about $200.00 and this will last us about 10 years. Remember every month you must check your Smoke Alarm to make sure it working condition. My dad is a fireman and we do have smoke alarms in my house. I also have a Strobe light in my ROOM I believe for the doorbell only but it doesnt work. I am going to have it fixed. Its new and its never been used its just sitting on my wall. Last night when I came home around 10pm after realizing my " HUMAN ERROR" as the fire dept called it yesterday with extension cords in the walls or outlets lmao well i unplugged about 25 outlets lol and didnt realize it was a fire hazard... Dad would of killed me if he knew but thankfully he doesnt come up here so he never knew haha. So now I feel a little bit better that everything is UNPLUGGED! Although Lately for the past 1 year or so I have been scared and toss and turn because I cannot hear at night. Its frightening to me see I never heard wellw ith my ears but now that im in COMPLETE SILENCE pure SILENCE it is a bit scary for me. So i think once this new lifetone clock is in I will be okay.

& TODAY HAPPENS TO BE 2 WEEKS SINCE MY CI SURGERY!!! :) I am doing well. I am fine. I can do things now. It was just a little awful reaction first few days lol. I still cant bend because I get dizzy (normal) and lift for another 3 weeks. Other than that I am back to my daily lifestyle. I am in NO PAIN and it so happens yesterday I realized I dont feel it anymore. It feels like the implant is not even there. PHEW! & I cant sleep on it yet dr said i can but no Im not a fan of that yet. I have been sleeping alot also! Which helped.

Hope you all have a great day today is Sunny snow is slowing dissapearing and I cannot wait for SPRING! Its been a horrible WINTER here in NY and I never seen so much snow in my life. How many more days till SPRING????? oh i cant wait.

In July is even more exciting my first trip to DISNEY WORLD! This is going to be an exciting summer!


The Lion King on Broadway

On Sunday Feburary 13, 2011, I saw my FIRST broadway show ever " The lion king." This show was Interpreted for those that are deaf and know ASL. The show was AMAZING! My bestfriend and I went to see the show. We waited about 8 months to see this! It was worth the wait. I was so excited and was so glad we went. We were 5 rows in the orchestrea area and the 3 interpreters were just awesome! After the show we were able to meet with the cast and ask questions. Many people asked questions to the chidren who were in the play " if they go to school and how they do the show if they are in school". The kids Zimba- who played the boy explained that he leaves school at 1:30pm and then comes to the city to do the shows. The girl who played Naila- also said she leaves school early to come to preform. Both kids were young about maybe 10 years ago I would say. Then finally more and more people from the cast came out after they changed there clothing asked questions. It was a great show! I tried to take a picture and I got caught ( HEY U LIVE U ONCE) LOL. The security guard comes over and flashes the bright flashlight in my eyes okay its okay if the other side takes pictures i saw cameras flashes. NO LUCK FOR ME! lol. So I tried and it didnt happen. This was the best show I have ever seen. I finally can say I went to a broadway show! YAYYY. Here is a video from youtube its a commerical for the lion king show.

IT IS NOT CAPTIONED! IM SORRY. For me to caption this is impossible.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Hearing With Your Nose? Nasal Stem Cells May Treat Hearing Loss

Check out this article:

Hearing with your nose?

What is your opinion about this article??????

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Hearing & Cochlear Implants Work

Some of you asked me on Facebook " How can you hear with a Cochlear Implant". Here is a video that will help you understand how I will be able to hear with my Cochlear Implant. I am counting down the days till ACTIVATION. I cant wait.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Checkup & Activation Day

I cant believe tommorow will be 1 week since surgery. Time sure does go by fast! Today I went into the city for a checkup. Surgeon said my incinsion looks good. I asked a few questions that I had concerns about. Everything is good. I can no longer get MRIS I have 2 ID CARDS I have to carry around with me at all times stating that I have a CI. I also have MRI/AIRPORT card. In July it will be my first TRIP to DISNEY WORLD and my first trip on an airplane with a CI. I am feeling good. MUCH MUCH BETTER. So I put that behind me and now I am very excited for ACTIVATION DAY! I wanted to say that everyone is different after surgery my friends were able to go to stores right after surgery however in my case I had it a little rough. I have a high tolerance of pain because I havent been well for almost 4 years so I can tolerate it. All the pain is gone and now I am just SORE and thats normal still a little stiff but I will be fine. I am still dizzy a little well it comes and it goes. I cannot BEND OR LIFT for 4 weeks surgeon saids because it will pull the incision. I am sleeping much better as well. As far as the Tinnitus ( ringing in the ears) it is normal and most likely it will go away its pretty worst than what it was before surgery but its okay he gave me XANEX he said to take it if it gets really bad it RELIVES the pain. COOL never knew that after all these years with TININTUS.

I recieved an email a little while ago about my ACTIVATION DAY! My activation day is March 8th and followup mapping is March 11th, 2011!!!!! YAYYY Before you know it will be here and I cant wait to share my journey with you all.

Have a great night and I will be back on Sunday. Sunday I am going to my FIRST Broadway Show " Lion King" in ASL. This should be fun. I am excited. Front Row to and 10 minutes after the show my friend and I get to meet the cast and there will be an interpreter there as well. Pretty neat! I will be back to tell you my experience.


Through Your Child's Eyes: American Sign Language

To all parents out there that have children with hearing loss please watch this: ITS CAPTIONED!

Smile-Hugs - Danielle

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Surgery was Successful

Hey Everyone:
I had surgery on Wednesday Feburary 2, 2011. All I remember was at 930am they walked me to the room. the nurse said im going to put an IV in and thats was it. I saw my surgeon before surgery. I was happy about that. He did a great job! Surgery was successful however I didnt do to good with the anesthesia. I finally woke up about 6pm took me most of the day to wake up my parents said. I kept vomitting,dizzyness & the pain I cant even tell you it was bad. I didnt even realize it was over until I actually got into the car. I finally left the hospital that same day at 6:30pm. I just kept vomitting it wouldnt end. The nurse didnt want me to leave. They gave me meds but i had an empty stomach. I was in alot of pain I mean alot. So that is why I couldnt make it on the computer. Its now Sunday im doing okay I feel naucious sometimes and im really dizzy pain is gone. Neck is stiff and im moving it because everyone is telling me to because the dr said you will regret it if you dont. So Im moving it and it hurts. R eye is Swollen that started 2 days ago and my eyes are like brown from vomitting so much. He said its normal. So right now I feel pretty dizzy but I had so many emails I wanted to come on and let you all know Im okay. Thank you all for the wonderful emails and messages!

I go see my surgeon Feb 8th im leaving the house at 7am appointment is at 9am for a checkup. After that I schedule an appointment for ACTIVATION! I cant believe its over. I have to go rest Im not feeling so good. I cant lift or do much for another 3-4 weeks! YIKES.

ACTIVATION IS in 4 weeks I dont know the day YET.

*** Warning for those that Cant look***


Dad took off the bandage on Thursday afternoon! Phew


I will be back soon!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011





SMILE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!
