Friday, September 9, 2011


I cannot believe its September!  This summer flew by really fast. Im finally back in college and I am so happy I am there. Its been four years. My first was awesome I knew both of my professors. I had an interpreter for both classes. I was exhausted when I came home. I just have to get used to it all over again. Hearing with my cochlear implant for the first time IN CLASS was an awesome experience. I was able to hear my professors while the interpreter was signing to me. There were times I couldn't understand what the professors were saying. So I am glad I have the interpreters. In math we started doing math problems. Last month I started math because its my weakness. My professor asked if we all knew what "Logic" was and some of the terms. I immediately raised my hand ( which I have never done in my life). I answered every question and my professor was like "How did you know that"and then I commented back saying " Im good." Something I would never say in my life! I guess I was calm because I was able to hear well.  
I am glad im back in school. Its something I need to finish. Yes I maybe sick still but I need to accomplish something in my life. I will be graduating Spring 2012. I am so excited and I am hoping to go to either Gallaudet University or Rochester Institute for the Deaf.

Ever since I had my cochlear implant. I feel more independent, I can hear well. I am happier. Its amazing how much this implant is a huge impact on my life. Its the best gift ever!

Remember a couple of weeks ago I was having this warbly sound coming from my processor. Well we changed everything coil and magnet everything. Finally they gave up and just gave me a new processor. I received the processor two days ago and It works fine. No more crazy sounds! (KNOCK on wood). I want you to know that sometimes there are technical problems but this implant has been by far the best 7 months of my life being able to HEAR & COMMUNICATE. I dont want you to get all discourage and say " I DONT WANT THE IMPLANT NOW" because she had to changed her processor. You cannot let things like this stop you. 

I received my ear mold in the mail yesterday and Its so difficult to put on the Ear Hook. First the tube is so tiny so i been trying to stretch it out. NO LUCK. I need this ear mold because my implant falls off my ear because I have baby ears. I am most likely going to have to go back into the city for this. Which is frustrating because I have no time with school and physical therapy. I have to get it done of course. The ear mold fits snuggly in my ear thats not the problem pushing the tubing onto the ear hook is a nightmare. My audiologist said's she has an tube tool that she can use to stretch it out.  I am hoping to go the week of Sept 18th.

I hope you are all having a good school year so far! I do read many blogs daily and I am so glad many of you are doing well especially the kids.



Frieda Loves Bread said...

Congratulations, Dani ~ so glad that you are back in school and doing well!

SpeakUp Librarian said...

That's wonderful that you are back in school. Your story is so inspirational. I wish you all the success you deserve.