Friday, August 19, 2011

Going to School with Cochlear Implants

To all parents who have children that are going to school with their cochlear implants. Here are some articles that will help your child get the best education possible.

Back to School with Cochlear Implant's

FM Options

Choose the right FM Receiver for your CI

What is Individualized Education Program (IEP)

IEP Checklist

Parent Checklist for School Placement

Placement Considerations Checklist for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Choose an FM system for your CI

I found out that Phonak is one of the top brands that cochlear recommended to me for a Receiver. You can check out which receiver is best for you.

( Please Note Below is a personal email from cochlear. I did not write this.)

FM Options for Nucleus® Recipients

In a classroom setting, FM systems may help a student with a Nucleus Cochlear Implant better understand the teacher by allowing the student to hear the teacher over other classroom sounds. This occurs by having the teacher wear a microphone, and having the student wear the FM receiver that connects with his or her sound processor. There are a variety of FM system and receiver options available. Cochlear™ offers several options for FM system use.

Nucleus® 5 FM Options
- Ear level receiver connected directly to the sound processor (ex: Phonak ML14i)

- Ear level FM receiver connected to the sound processor using the Euro Accessory Adaptor (ex: Phonak MLxi) TIP: Check out our YouTube video on using the Nucleus 5 with the Euro Adaptor!

- Neckloop receiver that functions using the telecoil in the sound processor (ex: Phonak My Link) FM cable connected to body-worn receiver

Nucleus® Freedom™ FM Options
- Ear level FM receiver connected to the sound processor using the Freedcom MicroLink

- Neckloop receiver that functions using the telecoil in the sound processor (ex: Phonak My Link)

- FM cable connected to body-worn receiver

Hugs- Danielle

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