Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Join Hearing Loss Nation

HearingLossNation is a non-profit online community designed specifically for Hard of Hearing individuals between the ages of 18 and 35. Please Join because you will find people just like you who are all over the world who have a hearing loss just like you. They may even have the same exact hearing loss you have. I found many many friends that I connected with right away.

This website is great and I thank Patrick the administrator who created this because he connected me with people that are just like me & for the first time I dont have to hide my HEARING LOSS. You will deafinitely feel welcomed and happy you joined. So dont miss out come join us at the HEARING LOSS NATION. Its easy to join and its fun!

About the age group it saids you have to be 18-35 but in all honesty many people on it are over 35 years of age. So please DONT let that disscourage you.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Dealing with Bullies

hey all, I just recieved this in my email. This is very important especially for the parents I know that have kids who are DEAF/HARD OF HEARING and get bullied at school. PLEASE READ!! Remember this is from an email I got today. I didnt WRITE THIS!

I remember back in school was awful for me. I was scared of most of the kids because all I remember them saying was " deaf girl" " WHAT WHAT". Ill never forget these times because it happened mostly everyday. I also remember one time a kid threw my FM SYSTEM off my desk. I cried and I never told my parents ever even till this day THEY HAVE NO IDEA! I know alot about being bullied and I hate when I see children go through what I have been through. It is horrifying!

Here are some helpful things you may want to use:

Any student who is different in any way may be made fun of and bullied due to a lack of understanding, but special needs children are an easier target. Special needs children may talk differently, behave differently or interact socially in ways that appear inappropriate or strange to other kids their age because of their diagnosed condition.

While children should learn to accept constructive criticism, deal with occasional tactless remarks and forgive accidental touching, they often need adult help with bullying, whether verbal or physical. Here are some ways to intervene that will protect your children when you can’t be with them.

1) Make sure that communication lines are open and encourage kids to tell you about daily events. Listen carefully when children complain about being taunted, threatened, pushed or hit by other kids. Don’t dismiss their grief with, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Name-calling does hurt and can wound a child’s self-esteem.

2) Talk with children about these options for countering verbal or physical attacks without being mean or violent: Ask the bully to leave you alone and tell him or her that you are not interested in such comments, threats, etc.; If possible, walk away from the bully; Sometimes a humorous response might work. For example, if someone calls you a name, you might say, “I didn’t know that. Thank you very much.” Maybe the bully will be so surprised, he will leave you alone; Discuss the problem with a nearby adult such as a neighbor, a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a school psychologist or a principal. Also ask your friends for advice.

3) Point out to children that when someone insults them with cruel words, these words do not make the insult true. Bullies often power-trip by trying to make others feel bad about themselves. Children can thwart bullies by retaining their own self-confidence and happiness. Remind kids that they have friends and family members who like them and care about them and see them as good and nice people.

4) Teach children that no matter how big, strong or popular someone is, he or she does not have the right to hurt our bodies or our feelings. All kids deserve respect.

5) Help children understand that other kids may need them to stand up against a bully. Kids should find a way to prevent bullies from hurting anyone, and a group of children may be able to stop harassment. It is not tattling to tell an adult that a bully or a gang is planning to attack someone. If one adult will not listen, children need to keep telling adults until someone assists them.

6) Urge children to tell you or other adults if they see kids carrying weapons.

7) If bullying occurs at school, talk with teachers or with the principal. Encourage them to hold class workshops on bullying with trained social workers or psychologists. Reading and discussing relevant juvenile literature, such as How the Moon Regained Her Shape, can help families and classes to open up the topic and discuss the negative impact of bullying. My sister, whose son has autism, sometimes goes to his school to explain to his classmates why he has so much trouble speaking. This gives the students and the teacher knowledge that fosters understanding. Also, suggest that the school officials establish a strong anti-bullying policy to keep kids safe. Many schools have a “Bully Box” to allow students to report harassment without signing their names. Occasionally, teachers or coaches may bully children, in which case parents or guardians need to intervene and inform appropriate officials.

8) Consider giving your children basic training in self-defense. There are many classes for youngsters in karate, judo, aikido and other martial arts. Such training can give children self-confidence and teach them how to block blows, discourage attackers and get away. Children with hearing loss, low vision or who are wheelchair-bound can do well in self-defense courses and competitions.

9) Dispel myths about bullies. Bullies can be any size, gender, age and skin color. We need to help children understand that bullying is not cool and that they have a right to counter bullies in any constructive way.

10) And lastly, if your child is the bully: The reasons behind bullying are numerous. Some bullies do not know how to treat others with respect because they see and hear disrespect from their parents or other relatives, they may not know how to react to differences or they may like to power-trip by insulting or hitting people. Depending on the issue that makes them behave this way, they may need the help of a good psychologist or social worker to find better ways to deal with anger, jealousy or other triggering emotions.

Teach your children not to bully others and to value their own bodies. Point out that everyone’s body is different and that we all have different strengths and weaknesses. Each one of us has a body that is right for him or her. Discuss questions like these with your family: Is anyone’s body perfect? What kinds of comments about someone’s appearance are appropriate? Do we have a right to make remarks that may hurt other people’s feelings? How can we have friendly arguments? What is appropriate to e-mail or post on the Internet?
By:Janet Heller

Janet also published a book about bullying: " How the Moon Regained Her Shape" from (Sylvan Dell Publishing, 2006 hardback, 2007 paperback). You can purchased it here

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Redskins Ordered To Continue Captions

To the Hearing Loss Association of America Members, Remember on the cover of the HLAA magazine Reed Doughty of Washington Redskins for the NOV/DEC 2008 issue? Well the great news is Redskins Fans can now ENJOY watching football all over again at the games..

CLICK HERE for the article!!

I think this is wonderful that the LAW passed to provide Captions for the deaf/hh in Washington. Honestly THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE! I also think every sport should have Captions on their screens such as BASEBALL,NFL, HOCKEY. Its not fair to us and we want to be included. I really would love to see in NEW YORK especially considering there are alot of deaf/hh people out here for Captioning at baseball games especially the NEW YORK METS!! Im a big baseball fan.. and this year in 114 days there will be a new stadium. You would think they would put Captions on for us. Nope They wouldnt want to SPEND THE MONEY.. BUT... they have a "DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING DAY".. and honestly last year going to that game to support hearing loss, THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING. I complained and the reason why they didnt do anything is because "stadium was being knocked down". They didnt want to spend money. In all honesty they shouldnt of put " Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness day" if they didnt want to support us!

Maybe someday soon this can happen if someone decides to sue just like they did for football team in WASHINTON. Thats the only WAY people are going to learn!

Does your favorite TEAM have Captions at their games on the screen??? If not, Complain...

Captioning YouTube

Thanks to Dave Pearson and Dana Mulvany, members of HLAA, we received the following information about YouTube:

"In a move to make videos easier to understand without volume or for hard of hearing people, YouTube has given users the option of embedding closed captions that show up as semitransparent overlays. Caption files that have text dialogue synced up to the proper timestamps can be uploaded during the time of upload or afterwards, and YouTube has provided multiple language support to let viewers swap between different languages of a single video without having to leave playback."

Click Here for more

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Benefits of Binaural Hearing

My new friend JAMIE* emailed me today and told me to make sure to go onto youtube and watch this video. She is right this is why I am struggling so bad with my hearing loss. I finally realized why im struggling so much. Thank You Jamie* for your help. Im so glad we have so much in common!

Unfortunality, most of you know I havent been well all year because of the seziures and since I have them 99.9 of day still I CANNOT get the CI. I dont know If im qualified because I didnt get a chance to go to the doctors yet but I do know if I am I will be upset because I CANNOT get it right this moment. It stinks because I have struggled this entire year and you would think I COULD GET MY HEARING BACK. Who knows right now I have to wait it out and it simply STINKS! It's life though as much as its very difficult and saying " WHAT" and relyin on people to help me every minute for a 1 on 1 conversation upsets me and the person as it is.

Please take a look at this video It is closed captioned!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Acronym Meanings to Know

Today I got an email from a friend of mine and she didnt understand what the abbrevations for ABI (Auditory Brainstem Implant)was. My bestfriend happens to have an ABI thats why she has emailed me and thought, I could help explain what the device does.

Anyways after doing that I thought it would be wise to take a good hour or so to write a list of all the Acronyms I knew and possibly could think of. The list is pretty long but I wanted to share this with all of you because many of these Acronyms I use in my blogs. Plus it would be good information to pass this along to a friend!

If there is One that I missed and you would like me to add it for you, please let me know and I will be happy to add it.


ABI Auditory Brainstem Implant
ABR Auditory Brainstem Response
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADDC Assistive Device Demonstration Center
AGB Alexander Graham Bell Association ( Wonderful Organization
ALD Assistive Listening Device
ALDA Association of Late Deafened Adults (
ALS Assistive Listening System
AN Auditory Neuropathy
ASL American Sign Language
ASP Automatic Signal Processing
AT Assistive Technology
ATA American Tinnitus Association (
AVT Auditory Verbal Therapy
BAER Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response
BAHA Bone Anchored Hearing Aid
BTE Behind The Ear (hearing aid)
BICROS Binaural Contralateral Routing Of Signal
BSL British Sign Language
C & T Comfort and Threshold Levels for CI Mapping (High and Low)
CA Communications Assistant (Relay)
CAN Computer Aided Notetaking
CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder
CART Computer Aided RealTime captioning
CASE Conceptually Accurate Signed English
CC Closed Captioned
CHHA Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
CHS Canadian Hearing Society
CI Cochlear Implant
CIC Completely In the Canal (hearing aid)
CICI Cochlear Implant Club International
CROS Contralateral Routing Of Signal
DAI Direct Audio Input
dB decibel
ENT Ear Nose and Throat Doctor
EASe Electronic Auditory Stimulation effect
ENG ElectroNystamoGraphy
HA Hearing Aid
HAC Hearing Aid Compatible
HAT Hearing Assistance Technology
HATIS Hearing Aid Telephone Interconnect System
HCO Hearing Carry Over (using relay to supplement speech not hearing)
HI Hearing Impaired
HINT - Hearing in Noise Testing
HLAA- Hearing Loss Association of America
HOH Hard Of Hearing
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP Individualized Education Program
IFHOH International Federation of Hard of Hearing Organizations
IL Inductive Loop (aka Audio Loop)
ITC In the Canal (hearing aid)
ITE In The Ear (hearing aid)
IVRS Interactive Voice Response System
LC Low Cut (HA adjustment)
LR Lip Reading
MAP Making A Pathway to hearing. The way a Cochlear Implant's processor's parameters are set to deliver sound.
MCL - Most Comfortable Level
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NAD National Association of the Deaf (
NF2 NeruoFibromatosis type 2 (
NTID National Technical Institute for the Deaf (
OC Open Captioned
PSE Pidgin Signed English
RERC Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
RF Radio Frequency
SD Speech Discrimination
SEE Signed Exact English
SLP Speech Language Pathologist
SLT Speech Language Therapist
SRT Speech Reception Threshold
SSD Social Security Disability
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSPL Saturation Sound Pressure Level (HA adjustment)
TA Technical Assistance
TAP Technical Assistance Program
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (invented name for TTY)
TT Text Telephone (little used name for TTY)
TTY Teletypewriter like device that sends characters over the phone
TV Television
UCL UnConfortable Level
VCO Voice Carry Over
VR Vocational Rehabilitation

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Equal Employment Opportunity Comission Not To Rush 11th Hour ADA ACT.

Action Alert: Tell EEOC Not to Rush 11th Hour ADA Amendments Act Regulations TODAY

* * * Immediate Action Necessary * * *

Tell EEOC Not to Rush Through 11th Hour ADA Amendments Act Regulations

AAPD staff have learned that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has scheduled a Commission meeting for this Thursday, December 11 at 2 p.m. to discuss regulations interpreting the new ADA Amendments Act that was signed into law by President Bush on September 25. We have learned that one of the potential items for discussion is a new "Interim Final Rule" interpreting the new ADA Amendments Act that would take effect concurrent with the statute's effective date on January 1, 2009. If the Commission decides to issue an Interim Final Rule, that means that their regulations would take effect BEFORE anyone outside the commission has had an opportunity to review and comment on them. This is not acceptable.

Typically, administrative agencies issue a notice of proposed rulemaking and give stakeholders an opportunity to comment on proposed regulations before they take effect. We believe that it is essential that the disability community and broader civil rights coalition that worked hard to get the ADA Amendments Act signed into law have an opportunity to see and comment on the new regulations before they take effect, and we are concerned that the Commission would try to rush through a final rule with no public comment at the end of an administration.

Call today to let the EEOC Chairperson, Naomi Churchill Earp, and the Legal Counsel, Reed Russell, know that we want an opportunity to review the proposed regulations BEFORE they take effect. The ADA Amendments Act was the product of long negotiations and discussions with multiple stakeholders, and it is important that the regulations benefit from the same kind of broad-based input. The new law repudiates an overly narrow approach to the definition of disability that had been applied by the U.S. Supreme Court AND the EEOC, and we don't want to see the new regulations inadvertently create new problems for charging parties with disabilities and employers.

Congress did not instruct EEOC to issue regulations before the new law's effective date, and there is no reason for the regulatory process to move forward without the typical notice and opportunity to comment. Our message to EEOC is simple: Don't issue a rule before we have an opportunity to be heard.

Nothing about us without us.

To reach the Chair's office, call 202 663-4002.

To reach the Legal Counsel, call 202 663-4609.

Monday, December 8, 2008

For Hearing People : Talking to the Hard of Hearing

Tips on how to talk to a HARD OF HEARING PERSON**

--Whenever possible, face the hard-of-hearing person directly, and on the same level.
--Your speech will be more easily understood when you are not eating, chewing, smoking, etc.
--Reduce background noises when carrying on conversations -- turn off the radio or TV.
--Keep your hands away from your face while talking.
--If it's difficult for a person to understand, find another way of saying the same thing, rather than repeating the original words. Move to a quieter location.
--Recognize that hard of hearing people hear and understand less well when they are tired or ill.
--Do not talk to a hard-of-hearing person from another room. Be sure to get the attention of the person to whom you will speak before you start talking.
--Speak in a normal fashion without shouting or showing impatience. See that the light is not shining into the eyes of the hard-of-hearing person.
--A woman's voice is often harder to hear than a man's, because of its pitch. A woman might try to lower the pitch of her voice when talking to the hard-of-hearing to see if that helps.
--Speak slowly and clearly.
--If the hard-of-hearing person wears a hearing aid, make sure that it has batteries installed, the batteries work, the hearing aid is turned "on" and that the hearing aid is clean and free from ear wax.
--If you know (or if it becomes evident) from which side the person hears best, talk to that side.
--It is better to speak directly face-to-face in situations where relatively diffuse lighting is adequate and lights the speaker's face. This allows the hard-of-hearing listener to observe the speaker's facial expressions, as well as lip movements.
--Persons with hearing impairment can also benefit from seating themselves at a table where they can best see all parties (e.g. from the *end* of a rectangular table).
--Announce beforehand when you are going to change the subject of conversation. Doing so might avoid an unfortunate "faux pas" by a hard-of-hearing listener.
--Sometimes hard-of-hearing persons have "good" or "better" sides -- right or left -- ask them if they do. If they indicate a preference, direct your remarks to the "good" side or face-to-face, as they wish.
--Check to see that a light is not shining in the eyes of the hard-of-hearing person. Change position so that you are not standing in front of a light source such as a window, which puts your face in shadow or silhouette and makes it hard for the hard-of-hearing person to *speech read*.
--Avoid abrupt changes of subject or interjecting small talk into your conversation, as hard-of-hearing listeners often use context to understand what you are saying.
--If the hard-of-hearing person wears an aid, trying raising the pitch of your voice just slightly. If the hard-of-hearing listener is not wearing an aid, try lowering the pitch of your voice.
--If all else fails, rephrase your remarks or have someone whose voice is familiar to the hard-of-hearing person repeat your words.
--Don't talk too fast.
--Pronounce words clearly. If the hearing-impaired person has difficulty with letters and numbers say: "M as in Mary", "2 as in twins", "B as in Boy", and say each number separately, like "five six" instead of "fifty-six," etc. The reason for doing so is that m, n and 2, 3, 56, 66 and b, c, d, e, t and v sound alike.
--If you are around a corner, or turn away, you become much harder to understand.
--Keep a note pad handy, and write your words out and show them to the hard-of-hearing person if you have to - - just don't walk away leaving the hearing-impaired listener puzzling over what you said and thinking you don't care.

Many hard-of-hearing are embarrassed that they can't hear. Many avoid crowds or situations that make hearing difficult. Certain environments, such as radios, TVs, and ventilation systems are also a problem for the hearing impaired – especially for those that wear hearing aids.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Last week's DeafDigest briefly mentioned Wal-Mart hiring the deaf but not promoting them to better paying positions. A DeafDigest subscriber from a Midwestern state said that Wal-Mart never hires interpreters for deaf employees in staff and award meetings. And that for the past 10 years Wal-Mart hired five deaf people in one Midwestern store. All of them were fired because of minor violations.Is it possible that Wal-Mart hires the deaf and keeps them for one year before firing them to take advantage of tax incentives for hiring the deaf?


Thursday, December 4, 2008



Today I recieved an EMAIL that was about MRI'S AND CI'S.


Patients with cochlear implants may want to steer clear of certain magnetic imaging devices, such as 3T MRI machines, because the machines can demagnetize the patient's implant, according to new research published in the December 2008 issue of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.

It is estimated that more than 100,000 people have cochlear implants.

The study, conducted by a team of German and American researchers, tested several cochlear device magnets on a 3T MRI scanner with active shielding at a variety of angles (0º, 80º, 90º, 100º, 110º, and 180º). The researchers discovered that during routine use of 3T MRI machines at angles above 80º, an unacceptable level of demagnetization was reached, causing permanent damage to devices with nonremovable magnets, and creating the potential of exposing patients to undesirable magnetic forces.

3T MRI scanners are the next generation of MRI scanners and are significantly more powerful than 1.5T MRI scanners.

The study authors recommend that MRI scans on patients with cochlear implants should be performed using a 3T MRI machine only if a 1.5T machine is not available, and if the benefits of the scan far outweigh the risk of cochlear implant demagnetization.

Source: Jessica Mikulski; American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery


For a second I thought to myself OMG thats dangerous. I would be paranoid and I know for sure I wouldnt get an MRI done if I had a CI. So right away I emailed my Friend from florida who has a CI and I asked her if she ever had an MRI done with her CI and she said NO, not yet. I said but what do you mean? Its dangerous U cant have that test done. She told me the THREE top Cochlear Implant devices such as Cochlear America, Advanced Bionic, MED-EL are SAFE for MRI'S. I was shocked! She then Explained to me and gave me links for the exact websites.

COCHLEAR AMERICA is safe up to 1.5 telsa with your external device being removed.

ADVANCED BIONIC Bionic Ear System's HiRes 90K implant for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) at 0.3 Tesla and 1.5 Tesla with the internal magnet removed.

MED-EL website saids they dont require the internal magnet to be removed.

I Couldn't believe this after she told me this information. Im glad because If I ever get a CI and I need and MRI now I know not to panic.

I just wanted to let you all know this for your safety!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Study Offers New Clues For Treatment Of Vertigo, Hearing Problems

At times I have vertigo and my Dr. told me while back its because of my hearing loss just like my balance is off most of the time because of my hearing loss. Since I am DEAF in my R ear and I only can hear somewhat okay in my L ear. The VERTIGO has gotten worst this month. This is an email I recieved today and I think its VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF YOU SUFFER WITH VERTIGO.

A study performed at the University of California, Los Angeles shows for the first time how microscopic crystals form sound and gravity sensors inside the inner ear. Located at the ends of cilia, these crystals play an important role in detecting sound, maintaining balance, and regulating movement.

Dislodged ear crystals are to blame for the most common form of vertigo. Known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, the disorder plagues up to 10% of people older than 60 and causes 20% of patients' dizziness complaints.

The researchers' findings, published November 30 in the online edition of the journal Nature, suggest a potential gene target for the treatment of people suffering from common hearing and balance problems related to cilia disorders.

"People have known for a long time about the importance of cilia for propelling sperm up the uterus and moving mucus out of the lungs," says Kent Hill, associate professor of microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the UCLA College of Letters and Science. "Our study illustrates that cilia perform many additional jobs that are essential to how our bodies develop and work."

Hill's team employed high-speed, high-definition video imaging to watch cilia moving in real time inside the developing ears of embryonic zebrafish. These small, bony fish undergo stages of development similar to humans and other vertebrates, making them useful models for research.

The researchers labeled cilia in the fish with fluorescent probes and used video microscopy to visualize the cilia and other inner ear structures. In the control group of fish, long cilia beat like tiny oars, causing tiny particles to circle in a vortex around them. The tornado of whirling particles accumulated at the proper location to form the inner ear's crystalline sensors.

"We next blocked expression of a gene that controls dynein—a tiny molecular motor that drives cilia movement," Hill says. "When we examined the embryos, we saw that cilia movement came to a halt. As a result, the particles did not assemble in the correct site. So not only did ear crystals form in the wrong place, but they were misshapen and abnormally sized."

It has been suggested cilia movement contributes to the formation of ear crystals, but the idea had never been tested before, he says. "Our findings show that cilia in the ear do move and demonstrate that cilia movement is needed for ear crystals to assemble in the right place."

Hill says the findings offer promise for the treatment of patients with hearing disorders and people with disorders marked by poor cilia function.

"The idea that physical movement can influence vertebrate development is very provocative," Hill says. "Scientists typically look at whether a particular gene is switched on or off, or if a particular protein is activated that determines if a tissue develops normally. In this case, microscopic currents in the fluid surrounding developing tissue are affecting its development. We need to understand more details of this process and determine how common it is during development."

Update information on C/C from COAT, Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology

If you are interested in the recent FCC ruling, order, and NPRM on closed captioning issues, a summary has been posted on the NAD website HERE

(1) provided clarification about how the closed captioning rules apply to the transition to digital television (DTV);

(2) changed the closed captioning rules to provide a more efficient process for consumers to contact television video programming distributors about closed caption problems and to file complaints (including, for the first time, the ability to file closed captioning complaints directly with the FCC); and

(3) requested comments about how the closed captioning rules should apply to digital broadcasters that “multicast.”

The new rules will be effective and comments will be due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register (not done yet).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions


Today I recieved this email that TSA's Diamond Self-Select program currently available at 48 airports. They allow families, individuals unfamiliar with air travel procedures and travelers with SPECIAL NEEDS to go through security at their own pace. Learn more about TSA's disability-related policies and procedures. CLICK HERE

I am very happy that I got this email. It is about time Airports make it easier for those of with hearing impairment and other disabilites.

Disability-related items permitted through the security checkpoint include:

1- Hearing Aids
2- Cochlear Implants

Since I wear my Hearing Aid and will be traveling in June for the first time with it on here is the link that I read to make sure it is okay to wear my Hearing Aid while going through the security. HEARING DISABILITIES

For many of you that I know travel very often this would be good information for you.

Hope this helps.

Smile & Have a Great Day!