Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Play in the Life of a Captioner - STAGETEXT

Check this out this is interesting. It is Captioned.

I love going to shows that are captioned or interpreted. It is very convenient. I thought this video was interesting because I didn't know the captioner takes time out and goes to the play to practice. At first I thought the captioner just goes in an hour before showtime to get started.

Have you ever been to a captioned show before? If so what was your experience like?


Jenny said...

Hey Danielle,

We actually just produced a story here at BU on this very topic -- we have ASL interpreters present at the BU Theatre's current production of Hedda Gabler. Video and story linked if you're interested (and the video is also captioned!)

Signing Ibsen's Hedda Gabler

- Jenny

Kim MacDonald said...

I didn't know they had captioned plays! I used to go to plays years ago but always hated it because I couldn't make out the dialogue and never knew what was going on. It's quite boring to just watch the characters move around and make noise. I will have to look for captioned plays now!

Danielle said...

Kim- email me at and I will email you captioned or interpreted shows!